Perfect Wedding Gift- DIY


I have been to several weddings already this summer, and I decided that instead of buying everyone a toaster – or some other obscure kitchen appliance on a wedding registry – that I would try to personalize each of the gifts. Turns out, it takes a lot more time and effort than just buying something online, and having it shipped to the happy couple.

But it has been a lot of fun and very much appreciated by all of my newlywed friends. All I did was:

  1. Take very spontaneous photos during the reception – usually a photographer misses some amazing moments during a wedding, because it can be awkward for them to get in the middle of the “action” – But since I was friends with a lot of the guests, I was able to capture some very fun moments.
  2. Purchase a photo album – I opted for one that allows for pages to be added, so that the couple can continue to use it for years to come. I also purchased washi tape, beautiful foil stamped sheets, and stickers.
  3. Put together a few pages of the album. I tried to ensure that it was in chronological order, and that I was leaving flexibility for the couple to switch photos or design. I used self-adhesive photo corners, so that the photos could easily be swapped out.
  4. Lastly, I wrapped up the album, and all of my tools that I purchased so that they can continue to work on it, and use it as they grow together as a couple. I only completed the first few pages, so that they could reminisce but also make it their own.

Hope this helped if you were looking for any wedding gift ideas, this would also work as the perfect gift for any occasion.

– Keely